
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Compete With Yourself

A lot of times I find myself in competition with my friends whether it be in school, cheer, or just life. While I believe competition can be healthy, competing with yourself is the best way to get better.  I can't let my friend getting her back tuck before me or my class mate getting a higher score on their essay bring me down.  I need to be happy for them, not jealous of them.  I need to compete with myself.  Each day my goal should be to be better than I was the day befoe.  Imagine what would happen if each day you were better than you were the day before.  You would be amazing right?  Instead of envying others, focus on yourself.  That's really something I'm going to start focusing on especially with me entering my senior year!  If I stay focused on my personal growth rather than the growth of others, I will progress much faster, be a better friend, and be a better leader.  Leaders live a life of progress while inspiring others to progress as well.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Live a Purpose Led Life

Live a purpose led life.  Don't live a life led by your emotions.  A purpose led life means you work toward your goals even when you don't feel like it.  It means getting out of bed when you want to sleep longer.  Doing you're homework when you just want to play on your phone.  Being kind to people even when you're having a bad day.  It means loving your life and making something of it.  Remind yourself of your goals and your purpose every morning and stay focused throughout the day. Scrolling through your Instagram feed, taking a nap, or watching Netflix brings temporary happiness, but working towards and accomplishing your goals brings lasting happiness.  This doesn't mean you can never relax and be lazy, but the majority of your time needs to be spent on your purpose.  It's all in the time management.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


I just got back from Disney World a couple days ago!  I went there for a big cheer competition called Summit and it was an amazing experience to say the least!  At Magic Kingdom, I watched their firework show, Wishes, for the last time because they are changing it this month!  I love the show because it is very inspirational!  If you ever get the time, I suggest doing a little research on Walt Disney.  His life inspires me to never give up on my dreams!  While I was watching Wishes I wrote down a couple of quotes that they said during the firework show!!

"Any wish is possible.  All it takes is a little courage to set it free."

"Make a wish and do as dreamers do and all our wishes will come true."

I hope these quotes have you a little inspiration to keep following your dreams and have courage!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


I came across the quote, "Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life" and it really stood out to me.  For me, I take this as don't start each January with motivation and watch it slowly fade away, don't wait until tryouts are about to start to crack down and start working hard, don't go through the motions, don't let time pass you by.  We have to live in the moment!  We can't keep saying I will start  tomorrow; we have to say we will start now!  We don't know how long we are going to be on this earth, so take each day and make it amazing!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

It's Ok To Dream Big

"God never gives you a dream that matches your budget.  He's not checking your bank account; he's checking your faith."

Never let anyone tell you your dream is unrealistic!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Progress Time

Time management is the main reason I'm not where I want to be and I'm sure many of you would say the same thing.  It's hard when you have unlimited distractions at your fingertips.  It's crazy how much time I waste on Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, and online shopping!  That's why starting tomorrow, I am giving up watching other people's stories on Snapchat, looking through my personal Instagram feed, and all games on my phone!  This way I can still Snapchat friends and post on Instagram, but I won't waste a quarter of the time as before! It's definitely going to be a challenge and I'm sure I will fail a couple times but the important part is that I keep on going!

This leads me to the idea of progress time!  It means setting apart a couple hours of your day specifically for progressing toward your goals!  You can pick however long you want, but for my schedule, I decided I need to work toward my goals at least 2 hours a day!  You do not have to do it all at one time!  For me, I need to make sure I work toward every part of my goals and that takes prioritizing.  I broke my progress time into sections: growing my relationship with God, working towards my goals in cheer, and motivating others through Instagram and my blog!  I then created a pie chart and decided how much time I should spend working toward each goal!

I encourage you to think about your time management and maybe create a system similar to this that will work for you!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Hardwork Beats Talent

We've all heard the quote, "Hardwork beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."  I have never been a fan of this quote because to me it has always said "Hardwork only beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."  However, yesterday I decided to look at the quote differently.  A lot of talented people are going to work hard and I can't change what they do, but I can change what I do.  I have to redefine the definition of hard work.  I have to work so hard that their work seems easy.  I have to wake up early every morning and work toward my goals, whether it be stretching, doing ab workouts, running outside, etc.  I have to be the first one to practice and the last one to leave.  It is possible to beat someone who is talented and works hard, but you have to work 10x harder than them!