
Wednesday, May 10, 2017


I just got back from Disney World a couple days ago!  I went there for a big cheer competition called Summit and it was an amazing experience to say the least!  At Magic Kingdom, I watched their firework show, Wishes, for the last time because they are changing it this month!  I love the show because it is very inspirational!  If you ever get the time, I suggest doing a little research on Walt Disney.  His life inspires me to never give up on my dreams!  While I was watching Wishes I wrote down a couple of quotes that they said during the firework show!!

"Any wish is possible.  All it takes is a little courage to set it free."

"Make a wish and do as dreamers do and all our wishes will come true."

I hope these quotes have you a little inspiration to keep following your dreams and have courage!

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