
Sunday, March 26, 2017

Progress Time

Time management is the main reason I'm not where I want to be and I'm sure many of you would say the same thing.  It's hard when you have unlimited distractions at your fingertips.  It's crazy how much time I waste on Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, and online shopping!  That's why starting tomorrow, I am giving up watching other people's stories on Snapchat, looking through my personal Instagram feed, and all games on my phone!  This way I can still Snapchat friends and post on Instagram, but I won't waste a quarter of the time as before! It's definitely going to be a challenge and I'm sure I will fail a couple times but the important part is that I keep on going!

This leads me to the idea of progress time!  It means setting apart a couple hours of your day specifically for progressing toward your goals!  You can pick however long you want, but for my schedule, I decided I need to work toward my goals at least 2 hours a day!  You do not have to do it all at one time!  For me, I need to make sure I work toward every part of my goals and that takes prioritizing.  I broke my progress time into sections: growing my relationship with God, working towards my goals in cheer, and motivating others through Instagram and my blog!  I then created a pie chart and decided how much time I should spend working toward each goal!

I encourage you to think about your time management and maybe create a system similar to this that will work for you!

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