
Saturday, March 11, 2017

Hardwork Beats Talent

We've all heard the quote, "Hardwork beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."  I have never been a fan of this quote because to me it has always said "Hardwork only beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."  However, yesterday I decided to look at the quote differently.  A lot of talented people are going to work hard and I can't change what they do, but I can change what I do.  I have to redefine the definition of hard work.  I have to work so hard that their work seems easy.  I have to wake up early every morning and work toward my goals, whether it be stretching, doing ab workouts, running outside, etc.  I have to be the first one to practice and the last one to leave.  It is possible to beat someone who is talented and works hard, but you have to work 10x harder than them!

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