I've missed this blog so much! I feel like I haven't posted in forever but that's because I felt like I needed a break because I was losing sight of the purpose of this blog. This blog is called The Dream Journal Blog for a reason! It's to inspire you to keep a journal, give you ideas of stuff to put in your journal, give you motivation, and most importantly help you follow your dreams!
With that being said, I'm going to bring back the idea of the habits log that I mentioned in a previous post. If you haven't read it, be sure to go check it out! Anyways, I've added something to my habits log! Under my weekly habits I've added "go somewhere new". Changing up your schedule, being spontaneous, and seeing new places are so important to keep you from falling into a rut and if you're in a rut, it's a great way to help you get out of one! It doesn't have to be anything big! You could go check out the new restaurant that just opened in your town with your friends, go to the store that all your friends have been talking about but you've been to busy to go to it, or go on a different nature trail than you usually go on at your local park! Don't get me wrong, it's amazing to go to new cities, stay in hotels, and travel all over the place, but you can't do that all the time!
I got to go to St. Louis for a cheer competition last weekend with my dad and we had a blast, but the best parts were the little things we did! For example, we were walking back from seeing the arch and we came across a restaurant with outdoor seating! With it being seventy degrees outside in February we decided to eat there before even knowing what kind of food it was! The pleasure of sitting outside at a 2 person round metal table just made me happy and was completely different from the restaurant experience I'm used to! Another example, is on our way home we kept seeing signs for Uranus Fudge Factory. Their slogan was "The best fudge comes from Uranus!" We couldn't help but take the 15 extra minutes to go try some fudge from a place like that! And it was AMAZING, but I'm convinced that even if it wasn't we still would have had just as much fun because we were being spontaneous and trying something new!
This leaves me to the word wanderlust. Ive been obsessed with this word recently. The dictionary.com definition is "a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about". I encourage you to have the desire to go new places, try new things, and be open to changes!
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