
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Your Unique Calling

Happy Sunday!  Today I'm going to talk a little about your calling!
Everyone has a calling given to them by God!  You have a calling that is designed uniquely and specifically for you.  How amazing is that!  Never feel like you were made to be mediocre, because I can assure you God does not make mediocre people!  There is something that you are great at doing and God will use it to change yours and other's lives!  You may be saying, "I don't have a talent."  That used to be me, but I can assure you that you are wrong!  It may not be something obvious like a sport or being able to sing.  Maybe it's something like being a good leader, encourager, hard worker, etc!  Those are talents too!
 Everybody finds their talent at a different time in their life, but just remember that God's timing is perfect!  You may not figure out all of your calling at once.  Chances are that God will reveal it to you a little at a time!  But here's the most important part: once He gives you one idea take it and run with it!  Go obediently to everywhere He tells you to go no matter how uncomfortable it is because He called you there for a reason!
Have a great week!

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