
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

2017: A Year of Reality

For me, 2016 had a lot of ups and downs.  I learned a lot of lessons, but I didn't make anything happen.  In fact, my vision board for 2016 is going to stay the same for 2017 because I didn't accomplish but one or two big things this year.  But I want 2017 to be different.  I'm calling it the year of reality because I want all my dreams to turn into reality.  If you don't have a vision board, I encourage you to have one.  On mine, I put pictures of what I want to accomplish this year such as a girl throwing a back tuck.  I also put some key words for the year such as purpose, trust, and friendship.  This year I'm going to add the word reality.  I have my vision board hanging above my bed and this year I'm going to look at it everyday and think about what I can do that day to get me closer to my goals.
I also like to have a journal for each year.  In my journal I write my goals, prayers, notes from church service, inspirational quotes and Bible verses, etc.  I think it's very important to have a journal because when you write your goals down it holds you accountable.  Write them down in pen so you can't erase them.  It's also a great place to let your mind empty every thought it's holding.  On days when you're feeling unmotivated, it's a great place to look for inspiration.  Throughout the year, I'll be posting some pictures from my journal and some ideas for what you can journal about.  If you have any ideas leave them in the comments section below!  Here's a picture of my journal for 2017!  It has a verse on the front that I want to focus on this year!  "God is within her; she will not fall."

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